Soul Candle
The tradition of lighting the Yarhzeit candle, or in Hebrew ner neshama or soul light, honours the loved one and his or her memory. The Yahrzeit candle reminds us of the fragility of life and to embrace our life and that of our loved ones. A candle is often believed to be a symbol of the soul. This is one of the core reasons that candles are such an integral part of the Jewish religion.
The soul in the body is somewhat like the flame on a wick. The fire consumes the wax or oil, without being used up itself. The body, not the soul, is consumed by life. When there are many flames, there will still only be a single light in the room.
The candle has form while the flame has no form of its own. The body has form while the soul is formless. The formless flame is directed and moved about by the wind. Wind in Hebrew is the same word as Spirit, Ruach, which directs and moves the soul about.
Although the candle has many possible uses, its primary purpose is to give light. The same is true for the body. Although it has many functions, its essential task is to house the soul in order to bring light into the world. No matter what colour or shape the candle is, the flame's colour does not change. No matter what colour or shape the body is, the "colour" of the soul is unaffected.
One can light many thousands of candles from a single candle without losing the slightest amount of original light. In fact, surrounded by other lit candles, it stands in even more light. The soul can also ignite many other souls, making them aware of life's purpose, and then it becomes even more illuminated, because it was instrumental in spreading light.
It is easier to relight a wick than it was to light it in the first place. A soul that once knew but went astray, one which has forgotten, is easier to relight, to remind, and to bring back than is one that has never been aware.
The flame always goes up, reaching towards heaven. The soul also strives to go up, to remember its true identity.
Love Nicolene